category: "Programming Languages",
items: [
{name: "JavaScript", icon: <IoLogoJavascript/>, color: "#F7DF1E"},
{name: "TypeScript", icon: <SiTypescript/>, color: "#3178C6"},
{name: "PHP", icon: <SiPhp/>, color: "#777BB4"},
category: "Front-End Development",
items: [
{name: "React", icon: <RiReactjsLine/>, color: "#61DAFB"},
{name: "Angular", icon: <SiAngular/>, color: "#DD0031"},
{name: "Vue", icon: <FaVuejs/>, color: "#42B883"},
{name: "HTML", icon: <SiHtml5/>, color: "#E34F26"},
{name: "CSS3", icon: <SiCss3/>, color: "#1572B6"},
{name: "Bootstrap", icon: <SiBootstrap/>, color: "#7952B3"},
{name: "Tailwind", icon: <SiTailwindcss/>, color: "#38B2AC"},
category: "Back-End Development",
items: [
{name: "Node.js", icon: <IoLogoNodejs/>, color: "#68A063"},
{name: "Express", icon: <SiExpress/>, color: "#000000"},
{name: "Nest.js", icon: <SiNestjs/>, color: "#EA2845"},
{name: "Symfony", icon: <SiSymfony/>, color: "#000000"},
{name: "Laravel", icon: <SiLaravel/>, color: "#FF2D20"},
category: "Database Management",
items: [
{name: "MySQL", icon: <SiMysql/>, color: "#4479A1"},
{name: "SQLite", icon: <SiSqlite/>, color: "#003B57"},
{name: "MariaDB", icon: <SiMariadb/>, color: "#003545"},
{name: "PostgreSQL", icon: <SiPostgresql/>, color: "#336791"},
{name: "MongoDB", icon: <SiMongodb/>, color: "#47A248"},
{name: "Firestore", icon: <SiFirebase/>, color: "#FFA000"},
{name: "ElasticSearch", icon: <SiElasticsearch/>, color: "#005571"},
category: "DevOps & Infrastructure",
items: [
{name: "Google Cloud Platform (GCP)", icon: <SiGooglecloud/>, color: "#4285F4"},
{name: "Azure", icon: <SiMicrosoftazure/>, color: "#0078D4"},
{name: "Serverless Framework", icon: <SiServerless/>, color: "#F3F4F6"},
{name: "NGINX", icon: <SiNginx/>, color: "#009639"},
{name: "Apache", icon: <SiApache/>, color: "#D22128"},
category: "Content Management Systems (CMS)",
items: [
{name: "WordPress", icon: <SiWordpress/>, color: "#21759B"},
{name: "Ghost CMS", icon: <SiGhost/>, color: "#15171A"},
{name: "Joomla CMS", icon: <SiJoomla/>, color: "#5091CD"},
{name: "Strapi CMS", icon: <SiStrapi/>, color: "#8E75FF"},
{name: "Shopware 6 CMS", icon: <SiShopware/>, color: "#0082CA"},
category: "Tools & Other Technologies",
items: [
{name: "Puppeteer", icon: <SiPuppeteer/>, color: "#40B5A4"},
{name: "Selenium", icon: <SiSelenium/>, color: "#43B02A"},
{name: "Next.js", icon: <SiNextdotjs/>, color: "#FF4154"},
{name: "Vercel", icon: <SiVercel/>, color: "#000000"},
{name: "GraphQL", icon: <SiGraphql/>, color: "#E10098"},
{name: "ElasticSearch", icon: <SiElasticsearch/>, color: "#F48024"},
{name: "Google Tag Manager", icon: <SiGoogletagmanager/>, color: "#FABB00"},
{name: "Tableau", icon: <SiTableau/>, color: "#E97627"},
{name: "Kibana", icon: <SiKibana/>, color: "#E1E5EA"},
category: "Analytics & SEO",
items: [
{name: "Google Analytics", icon: <SiGoogleanalytics/>, color: "#4285F4"},
{name: "SEO Tools", icon: <SiGoogle/>, color: "#3A75C4"},
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